Sunday, January 13, 2008

Circular 8 LOTS

Dear LOM President,

Congratulations for being chosen to lead your vibrant chapter! To be the leader is at once a privilege and a responsibility. A good leader not only brings out the best in oneself but also offers opportunities for others to bring out the best in themselves.
LOTS [LOM Officers’ Training Seminar] is a mandatory requirement for LOM Officers. In this seminar You and Your Officers will be given the keys to success of 2008. You will learn about the art of leadership, teambuilding, planning, fundraising, conflict management, effective communication, Meeting Protocol, Art of Delegation, Recording Minutes and reporting Formats, APP, Commitment, Vision, ZP’s Plan for 2008, World Congress, SAPAE, E-Communication, Award Bidding, Membership Growth, Retention and Extension and much more.
LOTS 2008 will be hosted by JCI Usgaon Tisk at Hotel Atish, Ponda on 19th & 20th January 2008. It will be piloted by the Past Secretary General of JCI India Jc Elston Pimenta and assisted by other vibrant trainers of Zone XI. The investment that we will be doing is Rs 300/- per person. You will appreciate that the amount has been kept as low as possible by the hosts.
Please ensure that each and every officer of yours attends LOTS and makes himself/herself competent enough to do wonders in JCI and in life.
Dr Uday Kudalkar will be man behind the success of LOTS. Please communicate the number of participants from your LOM to ensure proper management.
Attending LOTS is all that matters
to complement our efforts to BE BETTER.
Yours in JCI,

Jc HGF Vividh Pawaskar
ZVP [C] Chairman LOTS

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