Junior Chamber International India
Worldwide Federation of Young Leaders and Entrepreneurs
Authored by
JCI Sen. Raja Govindasamy Jc. HGF Elston Pimenta
JCI Sen. Pravin Sabnis Jc. HGF Anastasio Colaco
Jc. HGF Sagar Dalvi JCI Sen. Dr. Jorson Fernandes
JCI Sen. Bharathi Veeresh
National Headquarters
2nd Floor, Ami Kalash, Ami Complex, IC Colony Road, Borivali (W), Mumbai - 400 103. Tel.: (022) 28912354, 28913355 • Fax : 022 - 28910807
Email : ijcns@vsnl.com • www.ijc.net.in
by JCI Sen Raja Govindasamy
by Jc HGF Elston Pimenta
by JCI Sen Pravin Sabnis
by Jc HGF Elston Pimenta
by Jc HGF Elston Pimenta
by JCI Sen Pravin Sabnis
by JCI Sen Pravin Sabnis
by Jc HGF Anastasio Colaco
by Jc HGF Anastasio Colaco
by Jc HGF Sagar Dalvi
by JCI Sen Pravin Sabnis
by JCI Sen Dr. Jorson Fernandes
by JCI Sen Pravin Sabnis
by JCI Sen Bharathi Veeresh
by JCI Sen Bharathi Veeresh
INDIA 2020
By JCI Sen Raja Govindasamy
The new millennium has come.
In the first millennium
Greco-Roman civilizations
dominated the rest.
In the second millennium Anglo-American civilizations dominated the rest.
Who is going to dominate the third millennium?
Is it Indo-China civilizations or Arabic-Jewish civilizations? It seems too early to predict the future. But there are signs in favour of Indo- China civilizations emerging as superpowers.
The golden age for India seems only 15 years away. Are we getting ready?
Our President Mr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam has been engaging Indian youth in the realization of a prosperous India by 2020. His seminal book India 2020 outlines the goal and strategy for global preeminence. Targeting youth and empowering them for responsible and active citizenship is the single best strategy towards realizing the 2020 goal. According to our President:
Ignited young minds, we feel, are a powerful recourse. This resource is mightier than any resource on the earth, in the sky and under the sky. We must all work together to transform our developing India into a ‘developed India’.
Statistics indicates that India will be a young country with a sizable youth population by 2015. So one strategy namely, youthful human resource is readily available. What are the further strategies? Before that we need to know what makes a country developed? The President records:
”The obvious indicators are the wealth of the nation, the prosperity of its people and its standing in the international forum”.
There are many economic indicators “but they provide only a part of the picture”. It is the quality of life achieved by all the people that indicates best the developed status of a country. Are we preparing ourselves for that quality of life?
To empower the people me must first take care of our strategic strengths i.e. core competencies: internal strengths to sustain and to adjust to the new realities. According to the President technology is a core strength for India. There are three preeminent technologies engaging the minds of high quality youth power now: info, bio and nano technologies. Apart from these advanced technologies, there are indigenous technologies to be developed to help street smart, native intelligent people in rural and semi-urban areas so that they can be empowered and recognized and the rural areas can have urban infrastructure and other facilities. This is called PURA: Provision of Urban Facilities in Rural Areas.
Technology leaders have always pointed out that three strategic plans are essential for developed India: shift in focus from urban to rural, development of indigenous technology and provision of job- oriented education. These goals will ensure an upward movement for India: from free India to developed India. The President rightly avers:
“The common link to bring this transformation is the human resources. Therefore adequate attention needs to be paid to development of special human resource cadre in the country to
meet these objectives”
Dear young Indian, Where do you come in here? What is your role in making India a developed nation? Please do the following: 1. Dare to dream and share the dream. Be an ignited mind.
2. Follow a role model citizen and work along his path.
3. Imbibe patriotism beyond politics and religion
4. Become a knowledge worker. Convert knowledge into a resource.
5. Hold your head high but work shoulder to shoulder with people. Merge to emerge.
6. Recite the “Song of Youth” everyday to yourself and with others possible.
Song of Youth:
Me and My Nation – India
As a young citizen of India,
Armed with technology, knowledge and love for my nation, I realize, small aim is a crime.
I will work and sweat for a great vision,
the vision of transforming India into a developed nation powered by economic strength with value system.
I am one of the citizens of a billion,
only the vision will ignite the billion souls. It has entered into me,
the ignited soul compared to any resource,
is the most powerful resource
on the earth, above the earth and under the earth.
I will keep the lamp of knowledge burning to achieve the vision – Developed India .
Beyond 2020
Self-motivation is not just inspiration or enthusiasm. It is initiative backed up by resourcefulness. When we possess this twin-edged tool we act and renew ourselves. We achieve bigger and nobler things in life. Even while we fail continuously it helps us to sustain and persevere towards the ultimate goal. The arc of our life may be long but it bends towards success. The road to success is still under construction. But success need not always be the only yardstick for achievement. Displaying dignity in defeat, sacrificing one’s needs for other’s needs, working for a public cause are also motivational factors. They may not give money or status but they give satisfaction and recognition. This does not mean that we are often ready to suffer and struggle with adversity, etc. If life is always a preparation for something ahead we must be ready to expect the unexpected and also dare to be different and great.
By Jc HGF Elston Pimenta
Know thy self… so said the great Greek philosopher Socrates (469– 399 B.C.) He believed that all virtues converge into (lead to being) good and therefore knowledge of one’s true self and the purpose of one’s existence is very important. It is a course of a lifetime. Knowing thyself is a continuous learning. This learning starts within the self and ends within. It’s important that you consistently ask yourself, “Who am I?” Yes, you are a boy or you are a girl, but go beyond to understand more about yourself. Ask deeper questions to yourself and find answers to it. The more you question, the better you will understand yourself.
Do a simple exercise for yourself… It is called the SWOT analysis. S - Strengths
W - Weaknesses O - Opportunities
T - Threats
Strengths – Each one of us have been blessed with strengths which help us to face the world, interact with others, plan for ourselves, etc. Can you identify the strengths that you possess? Example: Study well, energetic, friendly, neat, happy, helpful, pleasant, etc.
Weaknesses – These are hindrances that come in the way of our plans to be successful. They come in the way of our development and progress. You must identify them so that you work on them and change them to strengths. Example: Shy, spend too much money, don’t study, anger, jealous, etc.
Opportunities – Identify instances where you can prove your
abilities. Do you participate in competitions? Do you go out of your way to help others?
Threats – Things that you should and would like to avoid. Example: Bad company, bad habits, feeling of being inferior, etc.
Here are a few advantages of knowing yourself:
1. Develop self-identity
You are going through a stage in your life in which you are capable of abstract reasoning and critical thinking. You will question and re-examine your childhood beliefs and values that you were taught at home or in school. Do you find school/ college life enjoyable and meaningful? What makes it or does not make it so? Have you discovered your interests and abilities? What must I do to discover my talents? What are good values for a good life? Do I understand my parents, teachers and friends better? What should I do to understand them better? Ask yourself and find answers by yourself. Your parents, teachers and friends are there to make your life richer but they cannot answer these questions for you.
Conclusion: You will discover that YOU are unique. Everyone of us is born with talents, we need to develop our virtues and lead an exemplary life. Can you identify some good people around you? Can you identify people who have lived an exemplary life and gave us so much to think about? Can you be that example for others? Remember, there is no other person like you. YOU can be an example.
2. Develop self-confidence
“We have nothing to fear but fear itself” - Franklin D. Roosevelt Self-esteem is how you feel about yourself and how you regard yourself compared to others. The foundation of a healthy self-esteem is developed in our childhood, usually built up by parents and teachers. However, as you grow older, you would tend to measure
your self-worth based on what your peers and others think of you.
Images of celebrities and movie stars portrayed in the media may influence how you feel about your physical appearance and acceptability. You need to learn to accept that everyone is unique and you have to accept your strengths and deal with your weaknesses. Do not be too preoccupied with your appearance and learn to cultivate and develop other aspects of your life. Get involved in activities you enjoy and derive joy and satisfaction from achieving the goals that you set for yourself. Conclusion: Success breeds success and you will soon find your confidence level increasing with each victory. 3. Make friends
“I am a part of all whom I have met” - Alfred Tennyson
As you grow older, you will find that your parents and family are no longer the only ones important to you. Your world has expanded to include your friends. It is important for you to be careful of the friends you make. Who you become has a lot to do with the company you keep.
Conclusion: Though it is important to have friends and be accepted by them, it is equally important to be able to differentiate between good and bad company and at the same time also develop the courage to say ‘no’ to bad influence. 4. Achieve success
Besides getting good grades or being a good athlete, there are other indicators of success:
i> The ability to express oneself verbally or in writing ii> The ability to reason logically and solve problems
iii> The ability to form mental pictures as in creating works of art iv> The ability to compose music or express other musical talents v> The ability to carry out activities like dancing, martial art,
adventurous activities
vi> Interpersonal skills as expressed in the ability to understand
other people and be sensitive to their feelings
vii> Personal self-awareness as expressed in the ability to
understand oneself and develop one’s identity
How do you interact with everyone around? Have you acquired skills and good values to understood others and yourself better and gained a sense of belonging?
5. Set goals
(Though this will be dealt it depth in a later chapter, we
will introduce this topic here). Sometimes, you may
feel that you are not succeeding because you
have not understood how to set your goals or manage
your stress.
Tips in goal setting- Develop a SMART strategy for goal setting
Specific: What specifically do I intend to achieve?
Measurable: How do I know when I have achieved it? Achievable: Is my goal realistic?
Responsible: Am I willing and able to be responsible for it? Is it desirable?
Time frame: When will I have to accomplish it?
Said the late Golda Meir……
“If I am not for myself, who will be?
And if I am only for myself, what am I”
Knowing thyself is then a matter of our personal commitment to ourselves because that will guide us to be successful in live that will propel us to be useful to others in life.
By JCI Sen Pravin K. Sabnis
If you fail to plan… you plan to fail!
If you plan to be in control of the way your life shapes up, it is important that you set your goals. Goal setting, in simple words, is about planning the journey between one’s present and one’s future. In a football or hockey match, though the players play a competitive and challenging game all over the ground, the success of the team is measured by the goals scored. By setting goals on a routine basis you decide what you want to achieve, and then move step- by-step towards the achievement of those goals. By knowing precisely what you want to achieve, you know what you have to concentrate on to do it.
Goal setting is a standard technique used by top-level athletes, successful persons and achievers in all fields. It gives you long-
and motivation. It focuses your acquisition of knowledgeterm vision
and helps you to organize your resources. By setting
sharp, clearly defined goals, you can measure
and take pride in the achievement of those
goals. By setting goals, you will also raise your self-
confidence, as you recognize your ability and
competence in achieving the goals that you have set.
The process of achieving goals and seeing this
achievement gives you confidence that you will be
able to achieve higher and more difficult goals. Finally set a daily
to-do list of things that you should do today to work towards your goals.
The Plan
Goal setting is your road map that identifies a series of activities that culminate in achievements. Goals are set on a number of different levels: First you decide what you want to do with your life and what large-scale goals you want to achieve. Second, you break these down into the smaller and smaller targets that you must hit so that you reach your lifetime goals. Finally, once you have your plan, you start working towards achieving it.
As a student, you are preparing yourself to leave adolescent life and enter young adult life. You are looking ahead at your life with great expectations. But the immediate goals to be achieved are to doing well academically. It is high time that you set goals for your future studies and future career. (refer CAREER OPPORTUNITIES).
Develop a SMART strategy for setting goals:
Specific: Generalized goal setting is like shooting without taking aim and hoping that you hit the target. Make sure that your goal is specific and clear. Keep the low-level goals you are working towards small and achievable. If a goal is too large, then it can seem that you are not making progress towards it. Keeping goals small and incremental gives more opportunities for reward. Derive today’s goals from larger ones.
Measurable: You must know when and how much of the goal you may achieve? Set performance goals, not outcome goals. Set goals over which you have as much control as possible. There is nothing more dispiriting than failing to achieve a personal goal for reasons beyond your control. If you base your goals on personal performance, then you can keep control over the achievement of your goals and draw satisfaction from them.
Achievable: It is important to set goals that you can achieve. All
sorts of people can set unrealistic goals for you. They will often do this in ignorance of your own desires and ambitions. Alternatively you may be naïve in setting very high goals. You might not appreciate either the obstacles in the way, or understand quite how many skills you must master to achieve a particular level of performance. Is your goal realistic?
Responsible: Am I ready to be responsible for my goals? Just as it is important not to set goals unrealistically high, do not set them too low. People tend to do this where they are afraid of failure or where they are lazy! You should set goals so that they are slightly out of your immediate grasp, but not so far that there is no hope of achieving them. Is it desirable?
Time frame: The plan includes setting goals in the short range, middle range, long range goals and also your lifetime goals. Set a precise goal, putting in dates, time, etc. If you do this, you will know exactly when you have achieved the goal, and can take complete satisfaction from having achieved it. When you have several goals, give each a priority. This helps you to avoid feeling overwhelmed by too many goals, and helps to direct your attention to the most important ones. When will I have to accomplish it?
The Goal Chart
Let’s begin with the exercise of setting goals. Make time to think about yourself and your future. Seek the guidance of your parents, elders, teachers, mentors, counsellors and friends. Clarify your doubts till you can see your future clearly. List down the goals and break them into short range (six months to three years), medium range (up to six to eight years) and long-range goals. Write down the goals on the goal chart and place it where you can see it regularly. (refer the GOAL SETTING SCHEDULE). Estimate time needed and set target dates and requirement. Writing goals down crystallizes them and gives them more force. State each goal as a positive statement… ‘Execute this activity well’ is a much better statement than ‘Don’t make this stupid mistake’.
As a student, you have to develop yourself in three areas: attitude,
knowledge and skills. Knowledge development goals will not just include your academic learning but also general knowledge and keeping abreast with the latest in news and other developments. Skill development goals relate to pursuit of a hobby, sports, cultural activities, memory development, oratory, writing and other skills. Attitude development goals will cover the development of a positive personality through appropriate reading, responsible behaviour, good citizenship and development of the right values.
Goal Setting Schedule
Goal Requirement Target Alternative
range Goal to achieve date goal*
the goal
* Do not use this column until after you have found it impossible to achieve that goal
Failure to meet goals does not matter as long as you learn from it. Feed lessons learned back into your goal-setting program. Remember too that your goals will change as you mature. Adjust them regularly to reflect this growth in your personality. If goals do not hold any attraction any longer, then let them go. Goal setting is your servant, not your master. It should bring you real pleasure, satisfaction and a sense of achievement.
By Jc HGF Elston Pimenta
“If a man carefully cultivates values in his conduct, he may still err
a little but he won’t be far from the standard of truth.” ….. Confucius
‘Know thyself’ is what each of us have read about in the earlier chapter. It will be important for us to revisit that chapter again until we have found some important answers about ourselves. Knowing oneself is a private and time-consuming exercise. It is a must, yet modern life moves at such a pace that we seldom take the time to examine ourselves. We become strangers to our own selves because we follow the dictates of others blindly.
It is important that each one of us must identify the values we want to live by. We need to take the time to know ourselves and penetrate layers of conditioning to arrive at our true selves. Our value-based
system will determine our character.
For this to happen we must start by examining our values. These
are our internal guideposts; our radars and they act as our
compass for life. If we look around and find that people are
doing wrong, one of the main reason that can be derived is that
people have not identified that value system that makes living
full and happy.
Life is beautiful – value it!
It’s exciting, it’s wonderful, it’s
enjoyable. Life throws up innumerable challenges. The
question is how do I encounter
these challenges? How do I look at these challenges? What makes
me face these challenges? Which values do I value? What values do I need to possess?
From Bhagavad Gita to Socrates to Hamlet— literature has dwelled on value choices and moral dilemmas. These are bound to occur. Values can and do conflict. What one person sees as a value may not be in the same light as how someone else sees it. Making value choices is not easy, but it is this very thing we must confront and make part of our lives, if we are to be truly creative human beings. Moral dilemmas are only possible for those who have strongly held principles and it is through these moral dilemmas that new and revolutionary thought processes emerge and character develops. Value conflicts are the strongest test of character. Yet, today, moral dilemmas are considered a waste of time, a domain for ‘losers’. Ultimately we declare all value assertions unscientific and relative, hence dispensable. We do not realize that value conflict is healthy, necessary and by eliminating it we are also erasing all conviction. It is time to clarify these values that we speak of. It is up to each one of us to determine the society we will create by deciding upon the values we will emphasize today.
Our personal system of values determines how we live. From the vast array of possibilities in our life, we choose those that we value. One difficulty is the lack of coherence in our value system, with contradictory and conflicting values. Another is the shifting nature of our hierarchy of values. Today we place great value on one thing, tomorrow it’s another. Broadly speaking, we can sort our values into two great categories:
1. The first consists of all time-based values, those concerned with things and events in space and time.
2. The second category encompasses eternal values that transcend time.
In some instances these categories overlap. Take the case of someone you love. That person’s body resides in space and time.
Most likely, though, what you really love is not that body, but the
person who inhabits that body.
Another case is that of earning a living. We work to put food on the table, a roof over our heads, and clothing on our bodies. All these things are in space and time. But the responsibility behind the act of performing our duties toward our body, our family, our friends, and our society, that responsibility is an eternal value. Our dedication to spiritual practice is also an eternal value, directed toward the timeless, the deathless. Indian philosophy has always encouraged people to raise themselves above day-to-day trappings of life, seek meaning with factors that go beyond the usual and connect purpose of life with a super-ordinate meaning.
Each one of us needs to realize our own identity. Look at some
examples: Rama, Mohammed, Jesus Christ, Buddha, Mahavir or
any other God. All symbolized what a person should be. They
were on earth as humans. Each one of them was a combination
of the Divine in the human and the human in the Divine. They
were supreme example of how people should conduct themselves
in the world, how the integrity and morality of human beings
should be protected.
Here are some of the values that you must possess:
Love, compassion, tolerance, respect for elders, respect for others, honesty, etc.
Conclusion: High-minded actions, ideal qualities, and sacred thoughts are basic foundations of a good character.
By Jc HGF Elston Pimenta
“Nothing great was ever achieved without self motivation and enthusiasm.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson
What is that you want to achieve in life? Why do you want to achieve it?
What will it give you?
What do I need to know to reach my destination? What needs to be done to reach there? What does success mean to you?
Every person has a great potential than they are exhibiting. Every person wants to succeed in doing a job whether it is being a student, a child, or a friend. We all want to be a good student, we all want to be a good child to our parents and we all want to be a good friend. But not all become one.
The reasons could be many. We fear the possibility of challenge, we fear competition, we fear our own ability and we fear what lies ahead. Or just maybe we cannot define what is “good”!
“Nothing succeeds like Success”
All success begins within each one of us. You must have the correct frame of mind about how you feel and how you think. It’s your self-confidence, your belief in yourself and having the right attitude in life. It must be positive. Achievement and success is all about how you feel about life and about how you react to it.
All achievements need to be dreamt about. All achievements need to be visualized before they are realized. All Achievements must begin with a desire from within. That desire is called “Motivation”.
Motivation is not a product of external influence; it is a natural
product of your desire to achieve something and your belief that you are capable to do it.
Each day is a learning experience for each one of us. The important part of life is not what happens to us but what we deal with what happens to us. Do we understand and work on those experiences? Do these experiences make me a more self confident person? Positive-oriented goals are much more powerful motivators than negative fear-based ones. Start with visualizing clearly your future success and model the feelings you’ll experience when you achieve it.
In Chemistry, when we mix the right chemicals in the right proportion and create the right environment, we have a reaction. What are those right chemicals, what is the proportion and what is that environment that you have to create to have a desired reaction
every single day of your life? Here is a
four-point formula:
1. Set a target
2. Visualize the desired outcome
3. Set action points 4. Assign priority and
work towards it
As I write this, I remember when I was in the 8th standard, I got 2 out of 100 in Maths and naturally my parents were very upset with me. I felt that I could never learn Maths. It was too difficult. But then I thought, how was it that so many other students scored so well? I remember that one student got cent percent marks i.e. 100/100. There is definitely something that he is doing, that I was not doing. I was determined to do better, probably be the best, if he could get 100, why not me? As I have never been for any tuition classes in my life,
hence I, myself, made a study plan to study in a more systematic
way. My plan worked – the proof of it was that I got 148 out of 150 in 10th standard board exams. That was an achievement for me!
How did I achieve that? There must have been something that I did. Each one of us have to discover the secret of success within ourselves. My secret of success lies with me and so does yours. What is that secret story that you will have to tell others? What is that achievement that will make you proud? Find that out because only YOU can answer the question.
The Chemistry
Going back to our Chemistry class, we all know that: 2H2 +O2 = H2O
We have the reactants on one side and the product on the other. We also know that Oxygen and Hydrogen is present in the atmosphere but not all the hydrogen and all the Oxygen in the air react with each other. It’s only when there is a right proportion and in the right conditions that they will react to form water. Similarly in life what are the conditions in life that drive someone to success?
The general conditions are to do with attitude that needs to be: 1. Positive
2. Have a purpose
3. Is expecting to succeed
You would have admired a two-wheeler or a car. You would also have wished that you possess it. The machine has a great potential. This vehicle needs to be started to do the job that it was designed for if not it is merely a combination of different forms of metal put together fit to be kept only in a showroom or in a garage. YOU are nature’s masterpiece - you hold the similar potential of a machine inside you and definitely much more. Just like the machine that needs to get started to do something, similarly unless you get started you will not realize your capabilities. Many are admiring you. You need to convert your potential energy to doing something without
which the masterpiece (YOU) is as good as looking at that
wonderful bike or that car in a showroom or in a garage.
“Ships are safer at the harbor but they were not built for that purpose.” So you too need to venture out, to the unknown, and be an achiever. You were born to be a winner.
Make a list of what you wish to achieve this year. Let that list be as practical as possible. It could contain targets like getting a distinction in a subject that you do not do well, it could be that you will be obedient and respect to your teachers and parents, it could be that you will stop a bad habit, it could be that you will be helpful to others… it could be anything small or big. The idea is to plan and achieve step by step.
Do something positive that you enjoy doing and experience the joy of achievement. Surely once you experience this joy, achievement will become a habit. Start today!
By JCI Sen Pravin Sabnis
Today’s youth are living with an explosion of technological advances especially in the area of the Internet, mobile applications and multi-player gaming. This increases the need to control being overwhelmed by the sheer overload of activities and information. We need to see beyond their examinations and their leisure activities. We need to inculcate the quality of leadership.
Leadership values are crucial life-skills for students because they enable students to be able to manage their career-progression and financial independence when they mature. The accessibility of updated information is not a problem; however, there must be a leadership quotient for a student to make a decision and act on this information. Leadership values are not only relevant for periods of success but also help a student go through times of adversity.
What is Leadership?
“Leadership is action, not position” is a popular quote.
Interestingly most people are on the threshold of leadership opportunity... sometimes disguised as a position; on other occasions, it is an invitation for action. Take for instance the captain of a cricket team and its star player. The former uses his appointment as captain to display his leadership skills (especially his forte of inspiring the best in his teammates). The latter continues to lead by example, through his awesome achievements as a player. It is pertinent to note that ‘Captain’ craves success (action) while ‘action-man’ dreams about being captain again (position)!
Hence, it is prudent to say that leadership is all about action being
worthy of a position. It is about being a captain who can steer the SHIP towards a progressive destination. The acronym SHIP says it all. S-self, H-home, I-industry, P-people. Captaining your own SELF is the first step. Here, inculcating the positive attitude habit is of high priority. Self-esteem can be fortified by positive autosuggestions. Do your SWOT analysis on a regular basis. (Refer chapter on Know Thy Self) HOME is the next critical element in leadership. It remains, both, a buffer for stress and a creator for stress (if ignored). We must not only, fulfill our responsibilities as a member of our family, but also take initiative in getting things done in our homes. (Refer chapter on Human Relations)
INDUSTRY symbolizes our career. The question is... are you industrious (hard working)? Right now, our career is of education. Nevertheless, we need to start looking at the range of careers that will excite us. Increase the “depth” of your knowledge in the career of your choice so that you are ready for it. (Refer chapter on Career Opportunities)
Leading PEOPLE is all about communicating, delegating, team building and team working. Remember that the performance of any leader is as good as the performance of the team that he leads. Can you convert every group that you belong to into a team? Leadership is about believing and practicing the concept “working together works”. The above four dimensions of Leadership are the key areas of attention (and in order of priority). Ignoring any of these would be foolish. Effectiveness in all would be the confirmation of your worthiness to be the first, amongst even, equals! Enterprising leadership
“The future’s unknown, it’s a story untold
It’s a movie unseen, to be made by you and me”
It is said so well that “there are three kinds of people in this world… ones that make things happen… others who watch things happen… and yet others who wonder what happened…” It is
our decision to be proactive, reactive or inactive. It is for us to
know that the future we desire can be born out of our ability to be enterprising – an essential quality for leaders. An enterprising person is one who sees opportunity in all areas of life… someone who comes across a pile of scrap metal and sees the making of a wonderful sculpture. To be enterprising is to keep your eyes open and your mind active. It’s about being skilled enough, confident enough, creative enough and disciplined enough to seize opportunity. Enterprising people always see the future in the present. They find a way to take advantage of a situation, not be burdened by it. They aren’t lazy; they don’t wait for opportunities to come to them, they go after the opportunities. It is all about keeping yourself actively working toward your ambition. Enterprise is two things. The first is creativity. You need creativity to see what’s out there and to shape it to your advantage. You need creativity to take a different approach, to be different. What goes hand-in-hand with the creativity of enterprise is the second requirement: the courage to be creative. You need courage to see things differently, courage to go against the crowd, courage to take a different approach, courage to stand alone if you have to, and most importantly, courage to choose activity over inactivity. For leaders being enterprising doesn’t just relate to the ability to be successful. Being enterprising also means feeling good enough about yourself, having enough self worth to want to seek advantages and opportunities that will make a difference in your future. And by doing so you will increase your confidence, your courage, your creativity, your self-worth and your enterprising nature. For leadership is a skill for self-improvement. In conclusion, a leader is one with the following qualities: L istens more and speaks less
E nthuses and motivates others
A lways see the positive side of things D isciplined and dedicated
E nterprising attitude
R eorganises in wake of failure
By JCI Sen Pravin K Sabnis
“Creativity lies in seeing what everyone is seeing but thinking what no one has thought”
Every child is born creative. It has such a vivid imagination that it can see pictures even in the shapes of clouds or shadows. However, some children get less imaginative as they grow up. This happens due to the competitive pressures of studying and the reduction of a child’s creative activities of drawing, colouring, craft, singing, dancing and playing. Besides most children are drawn away from the creative influence of Mother Nature. Hence every child possesses the creative capability but is not quite aware of its existence in him. Science has speculated that we are using 10% of our brain capacity. To access and cultivate that other 90% of unrealized potential, we need to expand our brain and mind to accelerate our creative potential.
Using the right side of the brain
The two sides of our brain are distinct and house different abilities. It is interesting to note this difference and the impact it has on our responses. The left side is one of logic, arithmetic…about “facts”. The right side deals with our 5 senses, emotions…our ability to “feel”. Our educational system works on the development of primarily the left side. Hence IQ (intelligence quotient) is preferred over EQ (emotional quotient). However, right round our world it has been found that the leaders and achievers are ones who are owners to emotional strengths and creative abilities. They are ones who can dream about the unimaginable.
Dreams are nothing but unconscious imaginations. In the same way, imaginations are nothing but conscious dreaming. A person who imagines a lot could very well turn into a Creative person. However, it is important that this imagination translates into worthy productivity. For instance it is not enough to be creative in thought,
one has to put it to use in the form of a poem, a story, a song, a
drawing, craft or a model of things we learn in geography or science. It also involves being able to solve logical and mathematical problems using innovative methods.
Creativity is all about changing your perception. Apples fell on many a head, but it took Isaac Newton to look beyond and discover the
fact of gravity. Creativity is
nothing but “Thinking
what else it can be,
instead of thinking what it is”. It is also
about doing every day things in a different way. We need to nurture our spirit of curiosity, discovery and adventure. Right brain thinking is a process that involves unlearning and the 3 I’s - imagination, innovation and invention.
Some ways to enhance creativity:
1. Puzzles:
Not only is doing puzzles daily an excellent way of keeping the mind sharp, but different puzzles exercise different portions of the brain. Some puzzles stimulate the left-brain, some the right brain. There are also different types of thinking; logical, analogical, and lateral are a few examples. These different modes of thinking apply to solving different kinds of problems. Reading, writing and most forms of arithmetic use structured sequential thought. Reasoning is also an attribute of left-brain thinking. Developing our ability to reason is an art that results in wisdom.
2. Humour
Humor is the ability to recognize the absurd in any situation and
to accept it. Humor is the ability to not take oneself or others too
seriously. Light heartedness is the essence of a joyful and creative life. A sense of mirth helps relax the mind and make it more flexible. If you study the great geniuses of recorded history, most of them had an excellent sense of humor. Examples are Einstein, Leonardo Da Vinci, Shakespeare, Goethe, our very own Birbal, Tenali Ram, and the list goes on.
3. Inspiration
Inspiration is another element that fosters a creative mind. It helps to start each day with an inspiring thought or little story left behind by the creative geniuses of the past. These parables and thoughts will uplift you and guide you through the day, keeping your mind in a lofty place. Your desire to reach beyond your present boundaries is stimulated. This is the essence of a creative attitude, the desire to reach for new horizons.
4. The Art of Doodling
There is more to passive doodling than meets the eye. What we doodle says a lot about who we are, as well as renders the symbolic language of the subconscious available to the conscious mind. When you are struggling with a problem try this technique as a method of seeing solutions that might otherwise escape your notice. Symbolism is a powerful and creative tool. Doodling helps to explore and reveal its potentials.
5. Leisure activities
It is so famously said, “all work and no play make Jack a dull boy”. Outdoor activities like trekking, swimming and sports help us widen the horizons of our perceptions. Mother Nature is a great catalyst for sparking off creative processes. Similarly activities like music and drawing unleash our creative potential. It is important that we indulge in our hobbies to the fullest.
By Jc HGF Anastasio Colaco
“People don’t care how much you know… … till they know how much you care!”
We Human Beings are social animals who do not live in isolation. Our families, society and the environment surround us. As a consequence human beings are interdependent. This brings into play Human Relations skill that becomes an important facet throughout our lives.
Let us first understand what Human Relations means. Human Relations
means Interpersonal Relationship relating to human behaviour
and handling people for acceptance and fulfilling
Human Relations does not mean the absence of conflicts, butteamwork.
managing conflicts and keeping it constructive for
common good.
Conflicts and problems arises in relationship between people due to few factors that we need to look into:
Every person is unique in this world. There are no two individuals who are similar. Even amongst twins, each has a separate individuality. This is because human beings have:
The ability to Think
The ability to feel Emotions The ability to be Creative
This makes for the whole person. The application of the above to
his experience will influence his individuality.
Normal human behaviour is caused by a person’s need. HUMAN DIGNITY:
Human beings are of higher order and want to be treated with respect and dignity
Human Relations could be categorized under the three following categories:
Family life Social life
Student life and later Professional life
In order to improve Human Relations in our lives we have to believe in:
Importance to Individual:
Every person likes to be given recognition and importance. Give that recognition and importance like by remembering their names. Call people by their names correctly and elders / superiors by their appropriate title. Applaud, congratulate their success etc.
Mutual Acceptance:
Accept the fact that every other person is different from you. “Do unto others as you would others do unto you.” As you would like others to accept you, accept that other people like your family members, friends, elders’ etc have different views, opinions. Respect their individuality.
Common Interest:
Find out what your common interest with your friends, family members and work on them for better bonding and better relationship.
Open Communication:
Be truthful and communicate with an open mind. Do not have ulterior motives. Being a good listener helps in understanding and improves relationships.
Team Work:
Always be a contributing member of team, be it in the family, in the society or at your institution level. Share your knowledge for the betterment of the team so that the team achieves and you achieve.
“Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain - and most fools do! But it takes character and self-control to be understanding and forgiving”
“ It’s Human to feel important, but it’s more important to be Humane”
Human Relations to be practiced requires a lot of self-discipline, adjustment and tolerance - however it will bring a sea change to your life.
By Jc HGF Anastasio Colaco
Very often in the news media we see news about Human Rights violation in some part of the world or the other or on issues regarding Human Rights. It is strange that in this modern world this should happen, that too in democracies.
Human Rights means that every human being irrespective of his / her sex, age, creed, economic status, nationality etc has a right to:
¾ Freedom - of speech, movement and to live life as he desires ¾ Security to his mind, body and soul and to his property ¾ To be treated with Respect and Dignity
Infringement, interference or disregard to the above would amount to violation of human rights.
Through the ages we seen luminaries like Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King etc crusade for the cause of abolition of slavery, the entry into temples of untouchables, anti-apartheid, rights to minorities etc. We have today organizations like United Nations, Amnesty International, National Human Rights Commission etc, which not only investigates and checks the violation of human rights but also promotes Human Rights. We have come a long way, yet there is a lot to be achieved.
Let us ensure and practice that:
¾ In our endeavour to protect our rights, we do not infringe or violate the rights of a fellow human being
¾ Exhibit self-discipline and self restraint to allow our fellow human being to enjoy his rights
¾ We do not commit slander or violence specially against women
and children and against any person
¾ Under the garb of religion, politics etc undermine the human
¾ Treat people with respect and dignity irrespective of sex, age,
creed, religion or nationality.
¾ Because one has power and money, do not take undue
advantage to the detriment of another person.
If we practice the above sincerely with commitment, we can be sure that the world will be a much better place.
While we are on the subject of Human Rights there is another aspect that we need to look into, as we tend to overlook in our mad rush to grab and achieve for ourselves as much as possible. We have lost our civic sense.
Look around the area we live in; look at the garbage scattered all around; look at the traffic indiscipline and confusion on our roads; look at the encroachment of vehicular parking place and pavements and you will realize our civic sense has gone bonkers - It’s our own making.
If an individual is pointed out that he is committing a breach of civic sense, he normally retorts, “What difference does it make, everybody is doing it!” forgetting that each individual makes for everybody. This reminds of a story.
‘There were thousand of fish washed ashore. A very old man walking down the shore was picking up one at a time and throwing back into the sea. A young lad seeing this goes to the old man and says “Grandpa, there are thousands of them, what difference will it make!” The old man replies “Son, it will make a difference to this fish, it will live!” And he picks up another fish and throws it into the sea.’ The message is clear. If each of us starts thinking in
this manner, we can be sure that things will be much better than
what we are in.
We can improve our lives and make life much happier if each of us can observe:
¾ Concern for others
¾ Traffic discipline on roads. This will not only save time, energy
and money but also live of people
¾ We maintain our vehicles free from causing pollution
¾ Take care to dispose off our garbage at the proper place and manner and not on the road outside our homes. We forget that the same dirt comes back into our houses from the roads.
¾ We counsel and educate people who commit breach of civic sense, even though we may get negative reaction from the people concerned.
¾ Our celebrations do not create noise pollution and disturb the peace and tranquility of our neighbourhood.
¾ We do not intrude into other people’s privacy.
Let us ensure that we are Active and Responsible Citizens by our actions and behaviour and are not the cause for the violation of Human Rights and breach of Civic Sense.
By Jc HGF Sagar Dalvi
The very exam centric pattern of our Education system has put studying over learning; Teacher – student interaction should result in learning. Information – learner interaction should culminate in LEARNING. So very simply studying as a process is a journey and learning as the product is the destination. Effective landing at destination will depend on planned, meticulous journey. If you have the ability to apply what you have studied the learning has taken place. In order to ensure that the learning takes place we need to concentrate on our learning habits.
Pre - Qualifications
Today everybody is a student. The expansion and obsolescence of knowledge makes all of us lifelong students. No one today can stay abreast of new developments in any field without constant study. Here are a few tips for more effective study. - Develop a healthy Physique & a healthy mind. - Get sufficient sleep regularly at the nighttime. - Develop a hobby of your choice and liking. E.g. Painting,
Singing, Music / Poetry that you really enjoy and can give you a break.
- Have a regular plan of study. - Frame a time - table and
follow it.
- Develop your learning style
and capitalize on it. - Reading ability. - Note taking ability.
- Listening ability.
- Class participation & observation ability.
In the process, you have to ensure the following:
While you listen to a particular point you may hear so many other sounds. Remember sounds are only to be heard. While you listen let your ears be directly connected to your mind and your soul and let your eyes capture the presentation.
Write down every important word or the phrase from the presentation; do not stop listening as you take note.
At the time of your daily revision recall those key words those important phrases and note them down. Check them with what you noted down while the class way going on.
Choose your style
Reading :- Read it well till you retain.
Notes :- Write well till you understand.
Listen :- Close your eyes and say it to your self.
Remember :- to those subjects which are application based adapt to a one and only style.
Practice ———————— Practice ———————— Practice
REVISE :- keep a schedule to Revise the previously learnt or studied matter.
Apply :- Learning has not taken place unless you have been able
to apply what you have studied Application in one of descriptive subjects like history could be responding particularly to the questions asked.
Remember we have roughly 16 waking hours. Divide them to suit
your kind of routine to help you study better. From To Time consumed
Daily chores Classes
Sports / leisure activity General Reading
News paper T. V.
Social Hobbies Study
By JCI Sen Pravin K. Sabnis
The most important thing in communication is to hear what isn’t being said.
- Peter Druck
Studies all over the world have shown that communication is the most important skill that contributes to success. In spite of great technological advancements, communication gaps are seen to be widening between countries, communities and people. This breakdown underlines the fact that communication is a human skill and not a technological one. The more one learns and practices it, the better we get in our interactions with people.
The basics of Communication
What you are shouts so loudly in my ears I cannot hear what you say.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
The cyclical process of communication involves the sender ‘s message reaching the receiver followed by the receiver’s feedback reaching the sender. However this process of stimulus and response runs through rough weather because of human prejudices, defective projection of the message/feedback and due to barriers in environment, human moods, language skills, etc. All the elements of communication – the communicator, the intention, the content, the communicant, the method and the situation – are susceptible to distortion. Effective communication is about overcoming the factors that block or derail the process of interaction and human transactions.
The four basic skills of communication are speaking, listening,
reading and writing. While all are equally important, it is observed that people appreciate, respect and value persons who are good listeners. Most people simply listen to the words that are being said to them, but words contain only 10% of the message. The remaining 90% is hidden in the body language and the tone of voice. Understanding body language can help you look beyond what people say to what they really mean. To remember better what’s being communicated to you, try to engage all your senses whilst listening as human brain stores pictures, feelings, smells and tastes more effectively than words.
Effective Listening
Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens.
- Jimi Hendrix
Basically there are three types of listening. The first, empathy is about drawing out the speaker and getting information in a supportive, helpful way. The second type of analyzing seeks
concrete information and trying to separate fact from emotion. The third style of synthesizing is about proactively guiding the exchange towards an objective. At its best listening involves hearing, Understanding the information, understanding the emotions, checking your understanding, seeing it from the person’s viewpoint, without necessarily agreeing.
Often we have too much difficulty listening to other people because
• We “know” what we are going to hear;
• We are seeking confirmation, not information;
• What’s being said is getting in the way of what needs be said.
Here are 12 Rules of Effective Listening:
1. Listen for ideas, not facts – ask yourself what they mean 2. Judge content, not delivery, i.e. what they say, not how
they say it
3. Listen optimistically – don’t lose interest straight away 4. Do not jump to conclusions 5. Be flexible, adjust your note-taking to the speaker 6. Concentrate – don’t start dreaming – and keep eye contact 7. Do not think ahead of the speaker – you will lose track 8. Work at listening – be alert and alive 9. Keep emotions under control when listening 10. Open your mind – practice accepting new information 11. Breathe slowly and deeply 12. Relax physically, get comfortable
Body language & Voice skills
Our body speaks even when we do not. Gestures do convey a lot. A cheerful smile, a warm handshake, an appreciative pat on the back, etc. indicate a positive persona. Wooden expressions, distracted eyes, etc. indicate negative response. More often, than not, it helps to be animated and unrestrained in our expression of emotions. However it is pertinent to note that, our body voices our inner feelings and our real response, despite all our efforts to disguise our thinking. Hence body language can be enhanced only when we work on our inner prejudices along with developing positive external mannerisms. The areas of development include our posture, gestures, eye contact and our attire.
Loud reading of well-written passages of prose and poetry best develops voice skills. We need to work on the tone, modulation and articulation (clarity) of our spoken words. The regular use of
dictionary and varied reading of literature, history and
contemporary news develop language skills like pronunciation. The speed with which we speak, the use of the techniques of repetition and enunciation (emphasis) help enhance our speaking skills. The top mantra of good speakers is to “keep it short and simple” along with the scouts’ motto of being prepared.
The Eight Rules for Good Writing 1. Write with the reader in mind
2. Decide what your purpose is. Be sure every sentence and every paragraph helps accomplish this purpose.
3. Say exactly what you mean. Use small, simple words and sentences. Stay away from the passive voice.
4. Keep it as short as possible. When you have said what you want to say, stop.
5. Make your point in the first paragraph. Let your readers get the ton of staff from the very beginning.
6. Use a format that guides the reader: title, summary, introduction, body of the report, conclusion, appendices.
7. Write quickly. Build your writing speed by deciding the purpose of your writing before you begin, and by using small words and simple sentences.
8. Arouse the reader’s interest. Include thoughts and images that will capture your reader’s attention and get them involved in what you have to say.
By JCI Sen Dr Jorson Fernandes
Health is defined by the WHO as Physical, Mental, Social and Spiritual well being.
Going briefly through each of the components of Health, we will come across various dimensions, that will help us as an individual, to exist in this world with a positive purpose for self and others.
Physical well-being:
Is it just merely keeping oneself in good physique or does it mean much more than that! It is not enough for us to be robust and be shabbily dressed, with uncombed hair, body smelling of sweat, with dirt accumulated over the skin creases ……
From the head to the toe if we run through we speak about the following:
Good care of Hair and scalp, especially girls who should take care that one does not have lice.
Care of the nose, eyes, ears and the mouth, by regularly and daily cleaning the nose and eyes, cleaning the ears with ear buds and daily brushing of teeth in the morning and also before going to bed in the night.
Care of the body with due attention over the skin creases in the neck, arm pits, wrist, webs of fingers, groins, back of the knee, ankle, toes and webs of the toes.
Care of the perineum after our toilet preliminaries.
Give our body the well balanced diet that will suffice us to thrive well. What our body needs is Carbohydrates that will help us in various biochemical reactions apart from providing
the glucose we need for our cells; the muscle mass is built up
from the proteins; the fats help our body to remain warm and the minerals and various vitamins also help our cells in various functions. When we overload our body we have a tendency to be obese which is an unhealthy sign. Similarly when we have daily the junk food / fast foods we are feeding our body with diet that is not balanced resulting into various diseases that we suffer today.
Considering our body of an omnivorous animal; we
have our body markers that make us more tilted
herbivorous animals. Look at our set of teeth: we have 4+4+4+4towards
grinders on each side of Upper and lower jaw which
are meant for grinding of vegetarian food. We have
4+4 incisors on each of the jaw, which are meant for cutting the vegetarian food, and we just have 4 canines for carnivorous food, but our diet is just the reverse from what our body is meant for. The result of this is like in any machine when we start misusing it; it breaks down our body which is a machine too breaks down. When God designed our system he designed it so well that the measure (quantity of food that we should consume) is also given to us and that is our Hollow of the palm. The food that fits within your palms is what you require for your body to keep it healthy and fit. “We eat to live and live to eat”. Our breakfast should be of a king, our lunch of a queen and dinner of a beggar.
6. Regular daily exercise to our body keeps our muscles active and in tone. Similarly exposure to sun helps us in the absorption of Vit. D that is required by our body. Water in
enough quantities helps us in the digestion and also
maintaining the cell function and other bio chemical reactions of our body. Exercise also helps us to burn the excess fat that is built into our body that could be dangerous in the later part of our life. Today Cholesterol is a word that is used rampantly in hospitals. We have 2 types of cholesterol: Good cholesterol is like the Policeman and Bad Cholesterol is like he robbers. Like the Policeman catching the robbers and putting in the jail; we have the good cholesterol that puts the bad cholesterol in the LIVER. But when we have excess of bad cholesterol it cannot fit in the JAIL=LIVER and therefore it migrates to various tissues like the heart, and brain resulting into plaques that narrow down the blood vessel lumen causing decreased blood supply to these organs and sometimes total stoppage when the lumen is totally closed resulting into death of the tissue causing Heart attacks and strokes.
A daily exercise burns this excess fat, thus creating enough space in our jail to store the bad cholesterol. This is the reason when we run on the ground we at times have pain in the right side of the abdomen and we hold our right side of the abdomen and stop running. This is a sign, when our body demands fats to be used for producing energy to run, our liver, which is on the right side of the abdomen contracts to release that bad cholesterol to produce energy. Our daily routine keeps us so busy that we have elevators, vehicles and all sorts of mobilizing gadgets that helps us to reduce the consumption of time but we reduce the physical exercise to our body.
Mental, Social and Spiritual well being:
Our spiritual life guides us amply on the type of food on particular days and also on giving at times rest to our alimentary system when we do fasting. We do not want to follow rituals and then we complain of various health problems. Earlier concept that eating spicy food causes ulcers is not acceptable now; It is not only what you are eating but what is eating you up causes ulcers. Needless to say HURRY, WORRY, CURRY causes ulcers in our stomach.
Our mental health talks about our thought process towards our
concept of health. We see so many children today who write on the desks, benches and toilet walls in schools and colleges about “SEX” names of girls/boys and draw nasty pictures. It speaks of a sick mind in a human body; it speaks about our mental make –up. It speaks about the need of sex education to our present day youth, which is missing in our curriculum. I understand that every human being when he lives in an environment with opposite sex there is going to be anxiety and arousal.
We need to learn to control this anxiety and arousal and also need
to understand the same. This comes partly through social conventions, which help us to control our feelings with responsibility. Eve teasing, molestations, rapes, sex crimes, casual sex relationships, and unnecessary writing in public places is a sign of we not understanding and controlling the arousal in our body. This means our own body is not within the purview of our control. These uncontrolled body feelings can precipitate in various forms that are seen today as antisocial elements. Our interactions, behaviour patterns or attitudes with community members are some times not acceptable within the social conventions of the society.
Remember that a sound mind resides in a sound body and that a sound mind nurtures a sound body. Exercise both your mind and body and follow the 4H formula: HEALTH – give equal priority to physical (exercises and sports), mental (reading, writing, interacting) and spiritual health (philosophy, humane concerns, prayer) HYGIENE – it is not enough to maintain cleanliness in your personal life. Ensure that your surroundings and your environment is not polluted
HABITS – good habits like punctuality, being organised, good manners, etc are a must for nurturing a good life. HOBBIES – these are the ones that reach out to both, our heart and head. They keep alive the child in us and bring us happiness.
By JCI Sen Pravin K Sabnis
Most students choose career options based on the percentage they score. The admission process, which is based mainly on percentage, does not allow them the option of a combination of subjects they may desire as career choices. Hence, many students go through the rigmarole of a graduation without much interest and, later in life, do not get much job satisfaction. In reality, they would have preferred to be in a different field altogether!
After scoring a reasonably good percentage, the dilemma of choosing between available courses and those that one prefers sets in. Take the case of a student who wants to become a fashion designer or a journalist, but has scored enough marks to pursue a more traditional honours course from a reputed college. This student will need to convince everyone as to why he is interested in another field of study
instead of opting for the standard
course. If you are faced a similar
situation, don’t be afraid about
asserting your
choice and standing by it. However, it is
necessary that you do your homework
well so you don’t end up doing
som e t h i n g irrational.
Seven steps to a successful career
S tart with the plan
U nderstand your abilities C ollect information
C ommunicate with people in the field E volve a course of action
S hare your thinking with your parents S harpen all necessary skills
1. Start with the plan
Consider the entire spectrum of issues before narrowing down your options.
~ What are your aims and aspirations? ~ Where do you see yourself five years from now?
~ Compare the hard work and effort required in different fields.
~ Judge the material benefits you will get eventually.
~ Check out the possible career options/ avenues open to you after completing the course.
~ Consider more than one career option in order to give yourself a back-up.
~ Remember to differentiate between a career and a hobby.
2. Understand your abilities
Do you have the necessary pre-qualifications to do well in the field of your choice? For instance, to be a journalist, you should be a good reader and writer, you should be eloquent, you should be an extrovert and so on and so forth. If you are interested in fashion designing, you should have a creative mind, a good hand at sketching, a good knowledge of colours and some experience in designing or you should have experimented with clothes. If you want to be a model, you should have the appropriate physical attributes and attitude.
So ask yourself: Do you have the personality, the visible traits
and hidden talents you can mould and develop to help you in the profession of your choice? To be the best in any field, you don’t just require the education you get during graduation; the way you have shaped up over the years also matters. There is nothing wrong in not having certain capabilities, but do ask yourself why you want to pursue a course where you will be competing against someone who is well-adapted to its essential aspects? Everyone has that extra special quality. Look for a field where you will be among the best because you will then have a clear edge over the others.
3. Collect Information
To assist you in making a judicious choice about your career plans and abilities, collect information from magazines, newspapers, the Internet and other forms of media. See if you are able and willing to cope up with the requirements of the field you wish to pursue.
4. Communicate with people in the field
The people who are currently in the field you want to pursue can best tell you its pros and cons, the hard work, the basic qualifications required and the patience needed to succeed. Listen to what they have to say; take their advice.
5. Evolve a course of action
Once armed with the requisite information about the field you are interested in, get better informed about the following: ~ Where can you pursue the course you need?
~ Which are the best institutes?
~ What are the basic requirements for admission?
~ Are selections based on merit/ entrance examinations or are there some other selection criteria?
~ How best can you prepare for the same?
Collect this information from the concerned institute or through the Internet/ other media.
6. Share your thinking with your parents
Once you have decided, discuss your career moves in detail with your parents. Remember, they may not be easily convinced. They have their share of experience, they have their own aspirations about you and they may have also done their own research over the years. Instead of a confrontation, it is best to weigh the pros and cons of your choices and theirs. Remember not to retaliate or fight, because you will need a mutual understanding. They can be your guides and mentors, so take their assistance. In today’s world, even if you have the strength to cope up with challenges, you require the backing of your family to support your decisions and assist you to do the best.
7. Sharpen all necessary skills
In today’s world, every career requires you to possess multiple competences like communication, etiquette, presentation and other personality skills. Your educational syllabus may not include them in the curriculum, but since you know their importance, go ahead and learn them. Remember that it is not just the product that is important, the packaging matters, too. With changing times, the needs of every profession are also changing. New professions are coming up. Keep yourself abreast of these changes. Give yourself the necessary edge so that you can become a clear winner.
By JCI Sen Bharathi Veeresh
By JCI Sen Bharathi Veeresh
Life is a beautiful thing As long as I hold the string
I’d be a fool so and so If I should ever let it go
Every individual is born unique with individual potentials and traits. Hence, his responses to different life situations are also unique. Frequency of success or failure is determined by how one equips oneself to condition the responses so as to get a positive impact ultimately. It is a matter of self-discipline and self-control. Success is not the result of spontaneous combustion. One must set oneself on fire to brighten the path. Misfortunes are teachers for the wise, who can convert them to their advantage. In life, many doors open if only a person has the patience and interest to tap. Never should we give a big shadow to small things and get afraid of the same in the dark.
Treat problems and failures in life as temporary phases, which by mere determination and right action, can be crossed through, with ease and smartness. Steps, which often lead you to the altar of success, are always laid with thorns. Careful planning and confident risk taking will definitely avoid the pains. Contradict negative
thoughts. Beliefs in one’s own self is the most influential driving
force, which leads an individual towards success. Life is full of
ups and downs. While we exhilarate in the ups, we are at
a loss totally, when it comes to downs. Whatever is the
situation, one can make the best of the things, by the right
approach and right action.
Hundreds of real life examples around us narrate the strengths of
self-confidence and determination and inspire us to ignore our shortfalls and keep focused on the goals. History tells us that all the stories of success emerge out of the dirt of failures.” Tom Watson quotes, if you want to succeed, double your failure rate”. Successful people succeed in spite of the problems and not in the absence of the problems. It does not matter how many times you hit the floor but only whether you bounced back. Setbacks are inevitable in life. Every setback can be considered as a rest period to muster more strengths and clustering a few more skills. Failure is a delay and not defeat.
One should strive to be victors, not victims! People who have faced the obstacles and overcome them are more secure than those who have never faced them. “ A smooth sea never makes a skillful mariner”. Challenges exist in each and every sphere of individuals’ life. Being born and serving all these times itself is a great success! Anticipating, preparing and encountering the challenges effectively are just a quotient of intellectual handling of situations. Running away from the problems is avoiding the realities and living in a false world. Accepting the challenges gives meaning and life to an individual, enhancing his self-esteem. No problem is permanent and every setback is a temporary delay. No pain is unbearable if one dreams of happy tomorrows!
Once a sculptor spotted two stones, lying side by side, in a jungle and started working on one of them. The stone screamed and begged to be left alone. The Sculptor took to work on the other stone, and carved a beautiful goddess on it. In due course people poured in to worship the deity. The unfinished other stone was laid as a pedestal to climb on and be trampled under the thousands of feet! The pedestal stone repented its act and reflected sadly that only if it had borne the initial cuts and cracks, this sorry state could have been avoided. Always, repentance is the sick bed of the soul!
Life is full of challenges that exist in each and every step towards success. Every difficult situation can be converted to an
advantageous one, just
by changing the attitude towards it. An optimistic
observes the silver lining on a black cloud. An
individual faces challenges of various dimensions in one’s life
in the areas as listed under, generally.
•Physical challenges: Loss of an organ, impairment of sense organ functioning, temporary or permanent disability etc. can be taken as a challenge and dealt with a total positive approach. Exploiting the potential of remaining organs and right choice of opportunity and self-confidence to grow beyond the limitations opens up new facets of development
• Mental challenges: All fingers are not equal and every individual’s ability and capacities differ. Realising the differentiation in the level of stamina and acumen, careful planning of the life will enable one to succeed in that particular chosen area.
• Social/psychological challenges: Previous experiences, failures often haunt the progress and subsidise the spirit of achievement. Nurture the paralysed enthusiasm with positive emotions and associate with people who can offer positive strokes.
• Career/professional challenges: Today’s world is highly competitive and demands high standards of performance. Only the fittest can survive the rat race. The struggle for the existence is perennial. Constant mastering the skills, gaining the knowledge and developing the right attitude is the keys to success. After all, “world will forgive failures but will not forgive people who have not utilised the opportunities”
When things go wrong, as they sometimes will When the road you are trudging seems uphill When the funds are low and debts are high And you want to smile, but you just sigh When care is pressing you down a bit Rest if must, but don’t you quit.
Life is queer with it’s twists and turns As everyone of us sometimes learns And many a failure turns about
When he might have won had he stuck it out Don’t give up, though the pace seems slow You might succeed with another blow.
Often the goal is nearer than
It seems to a faint and faltering man, Often the struggler has given up
When he might have captured the victor’s cup And he learned too late,
When the night slipped down
How close he was to the golden crown.
Success is failure turned inside out The silver tint in the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are It may be near when it seems fat
So, stick to the fight when you are hardest hit, It’s when things go wrong that you mustn’t quit!
Every student should engender truthfulness and a good character, besides acquiring knowledge. These two facets in life are the foundation for an individual’s greatness. Abraham Lincoln’s letter to the Headmaster of his son’s school beautifully summarizes this philosophy and should be the overall guideline for every student’s learning processes. – Pravin Sabnis
He will have to learn, I know, that all men are not just, all men are not true. But teach him also that for every scoundrel there is a hero: that for every selfish politician, there is a dedicated leader…. Teach him that for every enemy there is a friend.
It will take time, I know;
but teach him if you can, that a dollar earned is of far more value than five found…. Teach him to learn to lose and also to enjoy winning. Steer him away from envy, if you can.
Teach him the secret of quiet laughter.
Let him learn early that the bullies are the easiest to lick… Teach him, if you can, the wonder of books…
but also give him quiet time to ponder over the eternal mystery of birds in the sky, bees in the sun and flowers on a green hillside.
In school, teach him it is far more honourable to fail than to cheat…
Teach him to have faith in his own ideas, even if everyone tells him they are wrong… Teach him to be gentle with gentle people and tough with the tough. Try to give my son the strength not to follow the crown when everyone is getting onto the bandwagon,
teach him to listen to all men, but teach him also to filter all he hears on a screen of truth and take only the good that comes through.
Teach him, if you can, how to laugh when he is sad… Teach him there is no shame in tears.
Teach him to scoff at cynics and to beware of too much sweetness… Teach him to sell his brawn and brain to the highest bidders; but never to put a price tag on his heart and soul. Teach him to close his ears to a howling mob… and to stand and fight if he thinks he is right.
Treat him gently; but do not cuddle him because only the test of fire makes fine steel. Let him have the courage to be impatient… Let him have the patience to be brave.
Teach him to always have sublime faith in himself because then he will always have sublime faith in mankind.
This is a big order,
but see what you can do…
he is such a fine little fellow, my son.
- By Abraham Lincoln
Further opportunities for Participants
(Jaycees Academy of Smart Initiative for Empowerment)
JASMINE, the II level residential program of Leadership
21st Century, offers a great opportunity to enrich your skills to be a better individual. It provides you a platform to interact with many youngsters like you who are going to be the future leader. This training program is conducted by the eminent Trainers of Indian Jaycees.
Rules and Regulations for JASMINE
Participants :
• This program is for 3 Jaycee family students ( Son or daughter, brother or sister or close relative of an active Jaycee/ Associate member/ Honorary member/Past Zone, IJC officers/trainers) and 3 Non Jaycee family students.
• Students of standard X, XI or XII and who have attended the leadership 21st century programme conducted by LOMs this year or previous years can participate in this programme.
Selection Procedure : 6 participants (boys and/ or girls) from each Zone should be selected and the application form should be sent to NS by the Zone President.
Registration Fee: The LOMs whose nominees get selected must send a DD of Rs. 500/- in the name of Indian Jaycees payable at Mumbai as nominee registration fee along with the applications.
The registration fee has to be sponsored by the LOMs and the money should not be collected from the participants.
Facilities : Indian Jaycees will reimburse the actual 2nd sleeper
class fare to the participants based on the submission of claim, similarly Chaperon’s Travel will be reimbursed.
So Don’t miss the opportunity.
Dear student,
Hope the training programme of Leadership 21st century has inspired and focused your thought process. Please fill in these evaluation sheets, time to time, as mentioned, to help us to keep a track of your progress in life. All the best.
(to be answered immediately after the programme)
I) NAME ..............……………......…………………………................
SCHOOL/COLLEGE ……………..........……………………………..
CLASS …………………………………….........……………………..
ADDRESS ………………………………………........………………..
DATE ......……………………… PLACE ………………………..…..
TELEPHONE NO ….....………… E-MAIL ………………………......
1 …………… 2 …………… 3 ……………. 4 ……………
5 …………… 6 …………... 7 ……………. 8 ……………
9 …………… 10 …………… 11 …………. 12 ………….
………………………. ………………………. ………………………
IST YEAR 1. 1. 1.
(Short term goal) 2. 2. 2.
3rd YEAR 1. 1. 1.
Mid range goal) 2. 2. 2.
5th YEAR 1. 1. 1.
Long range goal) 2. 2. 2.
Indian Jaycees, National Secretariat,Ami Kalash,Ami Complex,I.C.Colony Road,Boriwali West, Mumbai-400103 Phone No.022 28912354/28913355
(To be answered after one year from the date of attending leadership 21st Century Programme)
I) NAME ..............……………......…………………………................
SCHOOL/COLLEGE ……………..........……………………………..
CLASS …………………………………….........……………………..
ADDRESS ………………………………………........………………..
DATE ......……………………… PLACE ………………………..…..
TELEPHONE NO ….....………… E-MAIL ………………………......
II) GOALS CHART(As set on the day of the training)
IST YEAR 1. 1. 1.
(Short term goal) 2. 2. 2.
3rd YEAR 1. 1. 1.
Mid range goal) 2. 2. 2.
5th YEAR 1. 1. 1.
Long range goal) 2. 2. 2.
IST YEAR 1. 1. 1.
(Short term goal) 2. 2. 2.
————————— ————————— —————————
————————— ————————— —————————
————————— ————————— —————————
Indian Jaycees, National Secretariat,Ami Kalash,Ami Complex,I.C.Colony Road,Boriwali West, Mumbai-400103 Phone No.022 28912354/28913355
( to be answered after FIVE YEARS from the date of the programme)
I) NAME ..............……………......…………………………................
SCHOOL/COLLEGE ……………..........……………………………..
CLASS …………………………………….........……………………..
ADDRESS ………………………………………........………………..
DATE ......……………………… PLACE ………………………..…..
TELEPHONE NO ….....………… E-MAIL ………………………......
IST YEAR 1. 1. 1.
(Short term goal) 2. 2. 2.
3rd YEAR 1. 1. 1.
Mid range goal) 2. 2. 2.
5th YEAR 1. 1. 1.
Long range goal) 2. 2. 2.
5TH YEAR 1. 1. 1.
(Long Term Goal) 2. 2. 2.
1) 100% 2) 75% 3) 50% 4) 25% 5) 0%
FOR FURTHER INFORMATIONS CONTACT Indian Jaycees, National Secretariat,Ami Kalash,Ami Complex,
I.C.Colony Road,Boriwali West, Mumbai-400103 Phone No.022 28912354/28913355
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