Tuesday, January 8, 2008


Junior Chamber International India
Worldwide Federation of Young Leaders & Entrepreneurs
Jc HGF Vividh Pawaskar - Zone Vice President Zone XI 2008
(Incharge of Region C : JCI Vasco, JCI MPT, JCI Ponda, JCI Curchorem, JCI St. Inez, JCI Bori, JCI Canacona, JCI Cuncolim, JCI Poona, JCI Poona Deccan, JCI Poona Gold, JCI Poona Martha)
9822988918 jcimargao@sify.com jcizonexi.blogspot.com jchgfvividh.blogspot.com
E 23 Sanchayani A V Co-op Housing Society, Vidyanagar, Margao Goa
Dear President,
Congratulations on being chosen to lead the chapter in the year 2008. A President has but one year to lead. It is, therefore, very important to ensure that this year will go down in the history of your chapter as well of JCI as one of the best ever. Your most important task is to ensure that members of your chapter take inspiration from you and brace themselves to lead the chapter in the years to come.
Attitude, Skills and Knowledge comprise the ASK Principle necessary to succeed in all walks of life. A right combination of a Positive Attitude, polished Skills [People & Communication] and Knowledge about our Organization and the opportunities it offers is a prerequisite to leave footprints on the sands of time as a President.
Planning the Journey is your priority now. Take guidance of your Past Presidents and seek suggestions from your members and together with your CGB chart out your course. Use all channels of communication to keep your members informed about the happenings.
CDMT [Chapter Development Management Training] is a mandatory requirement for ensuring that your Officers excel in their particular responsibilities. Let’s plan out a mutually agreeable date and place on which I could conduct CDMT to assure ourselves that we are geared up to excel. Before that make sure that your CGB is well aware of the expectations from their particular portfolios. jcizonexi.blogspot.com; jchgfvividh.blogspot.com & jcvividh.fotopages.com contain vital information about responsibilities, forms, manuals, addresses, photos and what not. I hope your members will brush up their knowledge and will be positive to ‘Be Better’.
Let us be the change we want in this world…

Jc HGF Vividh Pawaskar